Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Prison Wives

So I have a slight obsession with TV. Anyone who knows me knows that I love my TV just as much as I do any family member! I've been watching this new show called "Prison Wives" all about women and one man who are married some one is in prison. These women and one man are to say the least a little warped.

Well this week's episode features a mother who wants her eldest child to accept her husband when the daughter rejects him the mother turns her back on her own child. Even when her daughter begs her to being get first and only grandchild a present for get first birthday the mother has nothing but negative things to say but you praise a man who pled guilty of murder!

I'm often conflicted when I see stories such as these, do you blame the women who often times are seeking companionship or do you blame the men who appear to be predators seeking money and phone sex! I don't know but I'm kinda upset that I missed some of the episode. Unfortch I have to wait for Saturday morning much like I did when I was a little girl!


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