Monday, January 4, 2010

The Haunting of Mississippi

Early this morning I was minding my own business (yeah right!), checking my email when out of no where I get a news alert "Disgraced Miss. judge reports to federal prison". At first I thought nothing of it but something told me to go back and read it. To my shock I read that Bobby DeLaughter is scheduled to turn himself into federal prison today no later than 2 p.m. Apparently, DeLaughter plead guilty for lying to the FBI about conversations that he had with his former boss, D.A. Ed Peters in the midst of a bribery investigation.

WHAT?! I said to myself, how could Bobby DeLaughter be going to jail. For those not familiar with DeLaughter's career please find a copy of "Ghosts of Mississippi" and watch it! He is a legendary prosecutor who helped put Byron De La Beckwith, a man who almost got a way with the brutal murder of civil rights activist Medgar Evars in jail. Sadly, Prisoner 12930-042 formerly known as Bobby DeLaughter will serve the next 18 months behind bars as a part of his plea bargain. Another condition of the plea bargain was that DeLaughter would not be charged with conspiracy and mail fraud.

Tisk tisk! Another one bites the dust I guess!



Randy said...

The movie you are thinking of is "Ghosts of Mississippi."

Friday said...

Thanks Randy! Thanks what I get for blogging and working at the same time. Where did my mind go!

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