By this time we are all familiar with this story of the infamous Manson Family, so there's no need to delve into the gory details for this post (we'll save that for another time). Unfortunately, the story has cropped up as the 40th memoriam (I won't use the word anniversary as this is not an occasion to celebrate) of the Manson Family murders has come and gone. However, the penal system still has to deal with the many pleas for parole or mercy.
One such plea of mercy comes from convicted murder Susan Atkins, who has since been stricken with cancer and is now paralyzed over 85% of her body. Atkins commissioned the court to release her out of compassion. She would like to spend the last days of her life in the comfort her husband's arms. LA County District Attorney summed it up best when he stated, "horrific crimes alone warrant a denial of her request [Atkins] failed to demonstrate genuine remorse and lacks insight and understanding of the gravity of her crimes."

It is this blogger's opinion that Atkins is to never released from the confines of prison, especially on the basis of compassion. The last time that I checked she didn't show an ounce of compassion toward Sharon Tate as she was repeatedly stabbed. Nor did she try to spare the life of an unborn child which is unforgivable in my eyes. During the sentencing phase of the trial, Atkins testified that she stabbed Tate. She stated that she had stabbed Tate because she was "sick of listening to her, pleading and begging, begging and pleading", She also testified that Tate had pleaded for her life and that of her unborn child, to which Atkins replied,
"Woman, I have no mercy for you." That's enough of a confession for me feel as though she should never be allowed to see the light of day outside of her cell or hospital bed.
On September 2, 2009 Atkins was denied parole for the 13th time, which may very well be her last parole hearing. Her physicians have given her 6 months or less to live.
UPDATE: On September 24, 2009 Atkins died at the Central California Women's facility. Her husband, James Whitehouse, released the following statement according to the National Post: "Susan passed away peacefully surrounded by friends and loved ones and the incredible staff at the Skilled Nursing Facility at the Central California Women's Facility ... Her last whispered word was 'Amen.' No one (on) the face of the Earth worked as hard as Susan did to right an unrightable wrong."
I'm really liking this! a much better fit then baking ;)
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